NURSERY (Infants – 4 year olds)
On Sunday mornings, we want the youngest attenders to experience the love of Jesus through our care for them. For infants to four-year-olds we look to create an environment that is safe, welcoming and purposeful. During the church service they get to hear the sermon and music streamed live from the sanctuary. During our Sunday School hour, these kids enjoy singing songs, hearing Bible stories, and playing with other children.
Where do I go when I arrive?
You can find the nursery in the building just west of the sanctuary.
What time does nursery registration open?
Nursery classes open 30 minutes before the service and close 15 minutes after the service.
Do you have any guidelines for parents before checking in their children?
Remember to label all items belonging to your child. That way everything that your child came in with will be sure to find their way back home.
What security measures do you have in place?
Your child’s safety is one of our top priorities. Along with being required to be a member of our church to serve, all nursery volunteers must go through a screening process that includes a background check.
Do you have a room for nursing mothers?
Nursing mother's looking for more privacy are welcome to stay in the nursery where the service is streamed live. We also stream the service to a screen in our foyer if you are more comfortable there.
On Sunday mornings, we want the youngest attenders to experience the love of Jesus through our care for them. For infants to four-year-olds we look to create an environment that is safe, welcoming and purposeful. During the church service they get to hear the sermon and music streamed live from the sanctuary. During our Sunday School hour, these kids enjoy singing songs, hearing Bible stories, and playing with other children.
Where do I go when I arrive?
You can find the nursery in the building just west of the sanctuary.
What time does nursery registration open?
Nursery classes open 30 minutes before the service and close 15 minutes after the service.
Do you have any guidelines for parents before checking in their children?
Remember to label all items belonging to your child. That way everything that your child came in with will be sure to find their way back home.
What security measures do you have in place?
Your child’s safety is one of our top priorities. Along with being required to be a member of our church to serve, all nursery volunteers must go through a screening process that includes a background check.
Do you have a room for nursing mothers?
Nursing mother's looking for more privacy are welcome to stay in the nursery where the service is streamed live. We also stream the service to a screen in our foyer if you are more comfortable there.
Nursery Child Health Policy
To minimize the chance of spreading illness, children who show signs of sickness will not be accepted into the nursery environment.
We require that children be fever-free for 24 hours before entering the nursery. This is for the health and protection of all children and volunteers. You are encouraged to bring your child back as soon as he or she is well. If an illness is discovered after a child is in the classroom, your child will be separated from the other children and a member of our Nursery volunteers will contact you.
Upon recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a child should not be taken from the home with any of the following conditions: Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea (even if associated with teething or medication), any symptoms of childhood diseases such as scarlet fever, German measles, mumps, chicken pox, strep throat, flu, or any other contagious or infectious disease, Common cold from onset through one week, Sore throat, Croup, Junky or barky cough, phlegm-filled or productive cough, any contagious or unexplained rash, Pink eye or other eye infections, cloudy or green runny noses or persistent cough, any communicable diseases.
To minimize the chance of spreading illness, children who show signs of sickness will not be accepted into the nursery environment.
We require that children be fever-free for 24 hours before entering the nursery. This is for the health and protection of all children and volunteers. You are encouraged to bring your child back as soon as he or she is well. If an illness is discovered after a child is in the classroom, your child will be separated from the other children and a member of our Nursery volunteers will contact you.
Upon recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a child should not be taken from the home with any of the following conditions: Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea (even if associated with teething or medication), any symptoms of childhood diseases such as scarlet fever, German measles, mumps, chicken pox, strep throat, flu, or any other contagious or infectious disease, Common cold from onset through one week, Sore throat, Croup, Junky or barky cough, phlegm-filled or productive cough, any contagious or unexplained rash, Pink eye or other eye infections, cloudy or green runny noses or persistent cough, any communicable diseases.